Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hello Secretins! This is Mickie Rat testing a new mobile way to post to the lifeline, Posterous dot com. This is going to let me blog from my phone on tour. Sweet!

Posted via email from mickierat's posterous

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Adventure has a name. But don't wear it out.

Summer’s so close! And that always means: TOUR!!!

Tour is the time that I recharge my batteries, blow off steam, and all those other mechanical analogies for getting the pent-up crazy out of your system. Sometimes, you just need to get the fuck out of town and do nothing but play rocknroll, party, and have a good time. Nothing clears my head more than staring out at the passing landscape of America (and occasionally Mexico) on a long tour drive.

Specifically, the time I like best in the world, the time when I’m happiest, is when I’m in the van on the way to a show. So much potential lies in that moment: it’s either going to be the best of times or the worst. Occasionally there is some middle ground, but most of the time it’s going to be one or the other. You’re either going to come away from the show saying “That was so much fucking fun!” or “Ungrateful bastards! Why did we even bother!” The anticipation of which one it’s going to be is sweeter than almost any other feeling I know. It’s my favorite moment of all the moments that could be in my life.

Usually for me, that moment happens about three times a month, or if we’re busy, four or five. On tour, that moment happens EVERY SINGLE DAY. This is why I love tour. The shows are fun, partying with my friends is fun, meeting new people and making new friends is fun, but that moment is what I live for. The promise of what could be in the pre-dawn moment of rock and roll.

The fame? Practically nonexistent outside of Sacramento. The money? I don’t have a font size big enough in which to convey the word “HA!” in large enough letters to reveal the reality of always being a broke musician. When you are a DIY band like The Secretions, tour is prohibitively expensive. We are lucky if we come out of the whole ridiculous thing with $100 in profit after it’s all over. Sometimes we don’t even break even. Why do we do it then?

What it’s all about for me, besides the sweet anticipatory moment, is Adventure. I capitalize it because it’s an important thing in my life. Life, in general, is BORING. Wake up, go to work, come home, go to bed. Have a bit of fun in between. As a kid, I always watched movies and said to myself, “Why isn’t MY life this exciting ALL THE TIME?” I didn’t have any good answer for this, so I made a promise to myself when I was young that I would increase the amount of Adventure in my life. This is one of the reasons I became a performer.

Adventure can be found in the simplest things, from getting over-caffeinated and riding bicycles like mad all over town or being stranded on the side of the road in the middle of the desert with no air conditioning. It doesn’t have to be all barroom brawls and car chases, although I can say from personal experience (in hindsight) that those can also be occasionally fun. Adventure is what you make it. Adventure is NOT sitting at home watching movies and playing videogames and not interacting with the world in general. Adventure can not be had on the internet. It is real world stuff, kids. Adventure only happens with interaction. Your life is only boring if you don’t take the steps yourself to make it interesting.

That being said, I can’t wait for the Adventure that is late June and early July. Tour dates for the Secretions / Bastards of Young tour are being finalized very soon and will be posted here and everywhere.

Until then, go out and make yourself some Adventure. You deserve it.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Broadcast from the Far Future:

Little did we know that Christianity was actually the company behavior policy for a long-serving pan-galactic corporation which they implanted in the psyche of early man to see if it would stick. It turns out that the Second Coming was actually a massive group job interview and not the end of all creation as some had thought.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Need Caffeine: Mickie Rat's Adventures with The Black Blood Of The Earth.

I pedaled home from work as fast as I possibly could on Apocalypse, my aptly-named weather-worn single speed 1960s Schwinn cruiser. I was excited to finally get to try the supercharged coffee I had been reading so much about ever since Warren Ellis started mentioning it on his site. “Coffee that breaks science itself” is what he called it, and I was going to get some. The Black Blood of the Earth is the name that was given it by Funranium Labs, the creators of this unholy concoction. My main concern of this particular Thursday was that I needed to meet Herr Direktor, head honcho of Funranium Labs, before he left the Hangar One Distillery in Alameda. I needed to pick up my bottle of BBotE, as they called it for short, and the only way to currently get the stuff is by direct handoff. For some reason they have yet to figure out a way to safely ship this potent brew, but methods are currently being investigated.

I changed out of my office monkeysuit into my normal streetwear and quickly made my way out to the battered red convertible that I drive. It was 4:47 and I somehow needed to make it to Alameda by 6:30. The car was fast enough if the roads were clear, but unfortunately at 5PM on a Thursday the road into SF was as clogged as ever. Still, I made it to the abandoned air force hangar that now housed the distillery by 6:37. Luckily Herr Direktor was still there and I handed over my 40 bucks for the 750ml bottle of none-more-blackness that was The Black Blood Of The Earth. I popped the cork out and took a sniff. It smelled amazing. I had decided to get the Kona blend, as I had never tried Kona before because it’s so damned expensive. I actually had the willpower to not chug a huge swig right then and there. I decided to wait until the next morning, because I had the day off and I had a busy list of things to do.

I woke up the Friday morning, fiending for caffeine as I usually do. It was time. Time to ingest this unholy elixir. Herr Direktor told me that one shotglass worth of BBotE would be enough to get me wired for most of the day. One option he told me about was mixing it with vodka, another one was just mixing into a cup of hot water as regular coffee. I decided I would just pour it into a shotglass and take a shot of the stuff straight. I pored it into the shotglass and held it up to the kitchen light to examine the color. This was difficult, since only a tiny dot of light was visible through the none-more-blackness of the evil coffee concoction! Now that’s a coffee that lives up to its name. I downed the shot, and in true nerdy science fashion, set my phone timer for 45 minutes, which should be about when it kicked in.

About 45 minutes later, I noticed a nice caffeine high settling in. It wasn’t anything spectacularly amazing, but I was appropriately caffeinated. I had been warned by several people to take it easy on the BBotE, but I’m fully aware that moderation really isn’t my style. I had decided that if I wasn’t hopping like a one-legged man in a marathon in another hour or so, I was going to have another shot.

Sure enough, another hour went by, and I was feeling properly caffeinated, but also quite normal. I needed another shot of The Black Blood Of The Earth. This time I decided I would try to mix it with hot water and drink it as a cup of coffee. I nuked some water in the microwave and mixed it with another shot of BBotE according to the recommended 3:1 ratio. It made one of the best cups of Kona coffee I have ever had in my life. No bitterness, no acidity, just a damn fine cuppa joe. I waited a while longer to see what the effect would be. It was around a quarter to four when I realized that HOLY CRAP WAS I EVER WIRED. I drove to my mother in law’s house to pick up some furniture she was getting rid of and it was all I could do to not yell at everyone who wasn’t driving at supersonic speeds down Broadway. Stoked with energy, I quickly packed up the heavy furniture by myself and took it back to the house. At this point I was getting ready to leave for the Friday night free concert in Cesar Chavez Plaza. My friends in Kepi The Band were playing that night. Suddenly it occurred to me, KEPI NEEDS THIS COFFEE.

Kepi, formerly of Sacramento legendary pop-punk band The Groovie Ghoulies, is one of the only people I know who is as coffee-crazy and caffeine addicted as I am. Who better to test the equally as legendary BBotE on? I quickly mixed up a batch of a shot and a half of BBotE in hot water, put it in a mason jar, and sped off to Cesar Chavez Plaza on my trusty steed Apocalypse. In the middle of my twenty block ride the caffeine really started to kick in. Colors were so vibrant to my eyes they were practically bleeding off of whatever I looked at. I became hyper aware of my surroundings. I could instantly see an imaginary predictive vector line path of every vehicle, pedestrian, or other mobile object that might get in my way and was able to instantly plot a course around them. Red lights did not have the power to stop me as I blew through traffic like a madman. My leg muscles were burning by the time I skidded to a stop in front of City Hall. I bounded up the steps, found Kepi and quickly told him about The Best Coffee Ever. He was intrigued and took a sip. He passed it around to a few other people and everyone agreed that it was amazing coffee. Not surprisingly, it was quite the energetic show that night. I managed to burn off a lot of my excess energy by dressing up in a banana costume and chasing costumed monkeys around the stage during the Kepi set. By the time I got home I was pleasantly tired, and the horrendous post-caffeine crash that I expected never came.

Over the next few days as I continued to drink various doses of BBotE, I found out a few things. The first was that taking a shot of concentrated BBotE does not get me as wired as mixing it into water and drinking it as coffee does. I’m not any kind of scientist so I couldn’t tell you why. The second discovery I made was that there is no crazy post-caffeine crash like you get with energy drinks or regular coffee. Again, I have no idea why. The third and saddest discovery is that I usually need at least two shots of it at once to feel super wired. I wouldn’t know what dosage to recommend for other folks, because my body chemistry is a bit strange and I have a weird resistance to caffeine, probably from drinking Jolt and various forms of coffee for 20 years.

One thing I will say is this, if you live anywhere near San Francisco, you need to drive your ass down to the bay and pick up a bottle of this stuff. It’s a fun time if you like good coffee and getting wired. I haven’t tried mixing it with alcohol yet, that’s another experiment for another time. If you want to try this amazing stuff, go to and click on the tab that says “The Black Blood Of The Earth.”

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The People Must Have Something Good To Read Other Than Punknews

The older I get, the more bitter and jaded I get. This twangy steel-guitarish chorus was running through my head as I was making coffee this morning:

I'm old, and I'm punk, and I'm bitter
I hear you thinkin' that's just sad and wrong
But those hipster bearded fucks are lately gettin all the luck
and I'm just sittin' here playin' a country song

Sometimes my head writes songs when I'm not paying attention. I either turn them into something useful and eventually record them, or I just scoff and throw them away and laugh at the silliness of me writing a random song to encapsulate what I'm thinking.

My main thought behind this is that I've been trolling Punknews recently, and it seems like I can't really relate to a lot of the music covered on there. It's a major news source for a lot of kids, yet I feel so out of touch because I haven't heard of a lot of the bands on there, or the ones I have heard of seem so removed from punk that I don't really know why they are getting tons of press and hype lately. Plus, the cool new awesome DIY bands that I know of around the US never get any coverage on there. It's confusing. Luckily there are tons of different places to get "punk" news so I can, and do, usually go to those sources, because they actually cover bands that I care about, and not the next boy-band-disguised-as-punk sensation hitting the warped tour.

All I'm saying is, don't get all your news from one source because then you'll end up with a narrow skewed view of what IS. That's good advice for any kind of news, not just news of the punk variety.